lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Entrevista a DJ JOOP // Interview to DJ JOOP

Tal y como anunciamos hace uno días, ya podemos ofreceros la entrevista que realizamos vía mail al DJ holandés JOOP, gracias al promotor de música estadounidense Wilf Hammarica, quien nos ofreció esta posibilidad gracias a la publicación en uno de nuestros episodios de Trancemission del tema "Just one night" de JOOP.

A continuación podéis ver la entrevista al completo.

We knew u thanks to the radio show ASOT, what did u feel listening ur tune on this radio show? We expect that if someone like Armin van Buuren took one of ur tunes for his radio show, that had to be a real honour. Tell us something more about that...

First of all thank you for having me! I’ve been around now for many years and released a lot of tracks. The only time I had support from Armin was when I had the official Trance Energy anthem of 2007, JOOP – The Future. I think it has to do with the fact I’m slightly different in the music I make. It’s always nice that fellow Dj’s support your tune! Because that is what I’m doing it for!

According to U, what are your main contributions in the studio?

I’m not your Mozart or BachJ I think my strongest points are doing arrangements and putting a lot of atmosphere in tracks by using various samples that I collected troughout the years. Most of the die hard edm fans will know that it’s my track even if they hear it for the first time, a digital signature I think. Also I obtained quite a bit of knowledge over the last few years how a track should sound. I think I always had an ear for if something was freaking good or kind of good.

If we didn't know U, how do U define your style music?

Energetic, Atmosphere, Big, Music for the masses!

If U could collaborate or make a tune with any singer/deejay/music band, which one would be the chosen one?

I would go definitely for the band in this case! I love various styles of music, I always did. I grew up with having music surrounding me almost 24/7. It’s a dream, but I would love to do something with Metallica !! some will say now WTF? But I see the potential for sure, I played that S&M dvd of them so often, the one were they perform with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The power and the emotion on that stage is almost indescribable. Even though it’s heavy rock, but the breakdowns in the songs getting real close to the emotion what we do in the edm scene. So yeah I will dream on for now!;)!

What do U think about the health of current dance music?

In my opinion the last few years dance music is stronger than ever production wise! Not all of it of course but most of the tunes are very well produced sound wise. The standard is raised quite high nowadays. Also this brings new artists to the surface which is very good! I am a real big supporter of new blood. They have the future and can bring the edm scene many years of fame and fortune. Because when I am an old man I probably still listen to electronic music!

Are the social networks useful in your career? Do U use them often?

People that know me well and read this will laugh their asses off right nowJ I never paid any attention to this social media stuff and other communication till 2 years ago. I saw my music buddy’s often were more busy on their msn, facebook, checking their emails and twitter then we were actually producing. I really hated it for a long time! I am probably also the worst guy in the world checking his emails. But now I see that the world has changed, everything goes really fast and from all places of the world news or facts are coming in on your screen at home or on your phone while travelling and before you know it, it’s old news while it’s not even on there for 30 min. So you see the “clever” guys that really know how to handle this whole social media thing gaining massive visualbility and attention on a global scale. Their reach they create is not from this world! 10 years ago this was unthinkable! So yes I see the benefits now and still I have to be more active than I am now, but I’m getting there. I try to write nice stories about what happens in a week in JOOP world or just some super cool facts on releases etc on my . Of course also I let the world know about my “whereabouts” or other cool things and stay in contact with my dear followers! I think that is very important, without them I would have empty venues! . On I keep you updated on previews and my podcast JOOP pres. FOCUS RADIO. So yep! I do understand why this social network is a really important thing. Now I use it a lot! More than I ever did.

Will we see JOOP mixing in Spain?

For now I got nothing lined up in Spain, but you never know right?!

Can U give us your djs top 5?

The following dj’s/producers are picked on their producing skills and on their performance behind the decks as well.

Sven Väth

Carl Cox

Steve Aoki

Leon Bolier

Ferry Corsten

What do U listen in your free time?

This is a very wide range of artists, I can enjoy playing a cd from Metallica while driving or have an very dark progressive mix pounding trough the speakers.

Anything else U want tell us...

Yes! If you really like what I do you can always place your vote for me on the dj-mag top 100 on Thank you!

Again, thanks you so much for ur time and for this interview and thanks to Wilf for setting it up. Thanks and good lucEnlacek!

Thanks guys!

Y a continuación el tema interpretado junto a Tiffany Johnston con el que le conocimos y que ha propiciado esta entrevista "Just one night".

Gracias JOOP!!

4 comentarios:

  1. Gran entrevista chicos!!
    No lo conocía y me ha encantado el tema!! Apuntado queda para el podcast :)

    1. Gracias!!
      Es que Trancemission traspasa fronteras y nos permite contactar con artistas muy interesantes. Y el tema lo merece

  2. Grande Max y grande JOOP.

    Will we see JOOP mixing in Spain?
    For now I got nothing lined up in Spain, but you never know right?!

    I hope to see you soon here in Spain!!!
    Nice interview.

    1. La verdad que ha sido toda una sorpresa este post, creo que uno de los que más ilusión me ha hecho este año que estamos acabando.
      Sí, esperemos que se anime pronto a venir
